Now you can
Learn the secrets of 21st century eating!
Connect with the protective power of your intuition
and have extra-ordinary results.

Deborah Antinori
Deborah Antinori
Learn the shamanic way to create success in ways never imagined that you can apply NOW by tapping into the wisdom of other worlds and dimensions. Learn unique and powerful techniques to create quantum leaps! Find the secrets to create your prosperity, discover how you are stuck and how to change it, and recognize how clients, or those in relationships with you will find value in what you do!

Dani is heralded as the trainer of Dream Weaving, Dani has the unique ability to guide others to make their quantum leaps into success. Over the past 10 years, she has taught hundreds to break free of their struggle with scarcity. She is certified a Master Shaman and has studied extensively throughout Peru and the USA for the past 20 years.

Dani Burling
Step Beyond Stress into Success – Listen to my free MP3

Pam Lawhorne
The Social Entrepreneur - Get More Traffic. Attract More Clients. Make More Money
Astara Teal Summers
Expand With Love~ A Guide to Recognizing Love
in the Midst of Change
Betty Jo Tucker
Excerpt from Confessions of a Movie Addict

Sallie Felton
If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Get Rid of the Clutter -  7 Great Tools to Help You!
Dr. Doris Helge
More Joy for Me Now! Package
Chaney Weiner
Breakthrough to Achieve 5 Lesson Training Course
Anisa Aven
Vibration Elevation Formula
Dr. Tianna Conte
Complimentary 30-Day Energy Balance Service
Pam Lawhorne
Stephanie Rainbow Bell
21-day Powerful Creation E-Course
Gemeem Davis
Chapter from book, Make Life Work
Maureen "MGM"  G. Mulvaney
The Science of Getting Rich EBook
Guy Finley
The Illusion of Limitation
Dr. Anna Maria Prezio
Powrer and Prosperity  through Feng Shui & Color

At last, a life story with everything but the movie stuff edited out. CONFESSIONS OF A MOVIE ADDICT chronicles Betty Jo's love affair with film from the 1930s through the beginning of the new millennium. Complete with a section featuring entertaining film reviews and revealing celebrity interviews, this humorous memoir is a must-read for movie fans!

Let’s face it; everyone has clutter to some degree or another! It’s how you deal with the clutter that makes the difference between conquering your clutter and allowing your clutter to conquer you. In this practical guide, author and life coach Sallie Felton, walks you through the practical steps and organizational strategies that make it easy to stay organized;but this book goes deeper and uncovers the hidden reasons why it can be so hard to get clutter free and stay that way.

7 Great tools to help you get organized!

Claim YOUR happiness with this special "More Joy for Me Now!" package. Immediately gain 3 new reasons to smile. Discover how to transform emotional pain into peace & personal power. Get more respect & appreciation  --  at work & at home. Discover happiness at work! You may have seen "The Joy Coach" on "The Today Show," CNN & NPR.  Doris Helge, Ph.D., author of bestsellers like "Joy on the Job" and "Transforming Pain Into Power" has taught thousands of people just like you to claim more happiness in ALL areas of life. Get your FREE ebooks and "More Joy for Me Now" meditations now!

You may have seen "The Joy Coach" on "The Today Show," CNN & NPR.  Doris Helge, Ph.D., author of bestsellers like "Joy on the Job" and "Transforming Pain Into Power" has taught thousands of people just like you to claim more happiness in ALL areas of life.

Join the movement, Choose the Win/Win & experience Abundance flow right into your life...NOW!
Grab your copy of Make Life Work TODAY!

In Make Life Work, Gemeem shows you how to...
•Master the Great Conversation between the inner you (your soul) and the outer you (the hear and now you), so you can get out of wanting and into having the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about.

•Create a solid foundation for your business based on what you have to give... so you can make a greater contribution to the world.
•Incorporate new habits into your life to “set” your law of attraction point on abundance so that what you want resonates and effortlessly flows to you.
Life equals You. The innermost part of you. Work, refers not to your job, but to the required power, energy and effort it takes to move something from one place to another. To Make Life Work is to allow the inner You to release the power, energy and effort needed to move you from where you are to where You want to be.

A practical, step-by-step prosperity program Filled with timeless wisdom. Written in 1910…A Classic! The Science of Getting Rich is a brilliant 90-year-old manuscript. The Science of Getting Rich applies equally to all WOMEN and Men. Introduction by Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM, Author of THE WOMEN’S MILLIONAIRE CLUB

The Illusion of Limitation is a life-changing 6-hour MP3 audio program from one of my favorite authors, Guy Finley.

Discover powerful and practical secrets for awakening and realizing your ultimate potential as a human being. Learn to act boldly and decisively, be more productive, shed negative thoughts and feelings, and live in the deep abiding peace of a quiet mind.

This is a REAL product that is currently for sale on Guy's site for $29.95 -- and I've arranged for you to receive it for FREE, just for signing up!

*The Number ONE Obstacle that Interferes with Wealth Building more than anything else which very few people are aware of.*Why you are doing things you don’t want to do and how you can start doing the things you love most.

*The #1 strategy you must have in order to make quantum leaps in your life that very few people follow.
*How to overcome the 3 tricks your mind uses to keep you stuck so you can start attracting more of what you want.

Here are some of the tools and techniques you’ll receive:
*The main questions to ask so you can identify what is most important to you that help you attract what you want.
*The important question to ask yourself that increases your level of deserving in any area of your life.
*A simple technique that shows you how to overcome mind chatter that keeps you stuck
*A list of positive self talk phrases to use and negative self talk phrases to avoid
No matter how many books you've read on personal growth; No matter how many audios you've listened to on achieving your dreams; No matter how many courses, teachers, coaches, gurus and psychics you've paid to help you realize your goals; If you aren't using the ©Vibration Elevation Formulas then you're taking the long road to personal and professional fulfillment  Apply this 6-minute formula to instantly shift your level of consciousness, stop self-sabotage and empower your magnetic attraction.

Anisa's willingness to be authentic and transparent as she shares her personal journey and formula for success has garnered legions of loyal fans.   Considered one of the world's top manifestation mentors and a law of attraction icon, Anisa makes complicated Conscious Success principles accessible and easy to use.  From her corporate position as CEO of a global, executive coaching firm with coaches on every continent, to her role as an author of dozens of Intentional Success programs to her cherished responsibility as wife and mother, Anisa's passion shines bright as she supports you in uniting your life's passion with your work, attracting your dreams and fulfilling your purpose.

Experience a complimentary 30 day service (Value $150.00) that effortlessly balances your energy field and subtly reduces stress...making all things possible with ease and grace. Dr. Tianna Conte is a unique blend of mystic and scientist. Her childhood mystical roots led to a career that has spanned over 25 years as a trained Naturopath, Ordained Interfaith Minster and initiated Shaman. Her passion is in integrating ancient healing wisdom and cutting edge technologies in energy mastery.

This special e-book provides you with a personal map for matching your power color to enhance different parts of your house, your body and your mind. Do you know what your personal power color is?  Do you know what color during meditation can kill of disease?  Do you know what color can release stress or relieve pain? Color can open new possibilities whether they are related to your business or your personal life.  Don't ignore the power of color and its associations.  Color affects us in a profound way. Feng Shui and color has power and endless possibilities to create wealth, health and happiness in our lives.

What you are getting is my new 40+ page special report with the top 5 tactics that I personally use to get tons of traffic and clients to my own website.

In addition, the MP3 file is a copy of my highly attended traffic training webinar, where I show you how to use these strategies (plus more) to get access to an endless stream of free internet traffic.

Expand with Love holds simple yet powerful information that helps us remember love is ever present. It is within our power to open to the flow of love. It is the flow of love that will bring us through the trials and tribulations of life with grace and clarity.

It is my hope that “Expand with Love” will bring you greater clarity and strength as the changes in life accelerate. We are living during a time of tremendous growth on many levels. All of us are being called in one way or another to be strong, loving and true. We are being called to embrace our personal power and walk the path of our destiny. For this to happen we must break free from all the traps that have appeared  to be reality. We are being called to rise up, stand tall and Expand with Love.

After surviving a tragic motorcycle accident at the tender age of eighteen, Astara embarked on an inward journey that would define the rest of her life. the process of healing her physical,mental and emotional bodies became the teachings of Conscious Mastery. She has assisted people of all ages rediscovery their personal power, talents and joy.
Thomas S. Ciraulo, MS, CL
The Simple Truth to Achieving Optimum Health" also available my FREE 140 plus page Cancer Report
Amy Pearson
How To Overcome Your Inner Approval Addict
  Reading and Learning from Tom Ciraulo's Book and (FREE) Cancer,140 plus page, Report May Be Beneficial To Your Health Regardless of Your Current Health Condition. This statement is made because of the information you will learn, such as:  The prime cause of cancer; As stated by a Nobel Peace Prize Winner-Scientifically documented. What ingredient in common foods that you and your kids consume everyday that helps cancer grow.-Scientifically documented.
Which foods help reduce your risk of cancer and that improving your immune system and obtaining optimum health is not as hard as you might think. Even if you had or currently have cancer. Which simple exercises can help your cells stay cleaner and therefore help in reducing or eliminating pain and cancer-Based on Scientific Research. Natural and effective approaches to Pain Management, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and More.
Thomas S. Ciraulo, MS, CL is a Certified Lymphologist, Nutrition/Wellness Coach, Educator and Author who specializes in the educating of those individuals who are willing to learn and implement a nutrition/wellness program. He is a noted speaker and lecturer and has been a featured guest and interviewed by many radio stations across the country including Montel Williams on his Montel Across America Program.  His program is a highly effective complementary medicine program that is primarily holistic in nature, but it is driven by logic and supported by medical science. He became a Certified Lymphologist through the International Academy of Lymphology and holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition from the Clayton College of Natural Healing.  Tom is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. 
Do you…
Rehearse what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it before going into situations… even ones as simple as talking to your husband?
Mentally go over the things you said and did after mom’s group, finding all kinds of ways you could have done it or said it differently?
Dress mostly to make some kind of impact on the people around you?
Apologize when your house is dirty?
Change the things you do and say depending on who you’re with?
Keep your opinions to yourself when they’re not the same as the opinions of other people?
If any of this sounds like you, you may benefit from I Don’t Need Your Approval! How to Overcome Your Inner Approval Addict a 10 part e-course for people who want to stop looking outside of themselves for as sense of self worth and confidence.
Amy Pearson is a Martha Beck Master Certified Life Coach who helps women lead their lives from a place of self-love and confidence so they can play big in the world.

Create and experience life-changing clarity, focus and joy beginning NOW with this 21-day E-Course delivered straight to your Inbox! This Powerful Creation Course is a great start (or addition) to developing a powerful daily practice of focus and positive intentions! One lesson per day for 21 days to change your mindset patterns and have a happier life!"

Stephanie Rainbow Bell intuitively guides her clients to break through the hidden thoughts that generate problems and learn to create a new, powerful and life transforming mindset.  Stephanie is an inspiring speaker, author and empowerment coach, a veteran of 30+cruises and proud mom to adult daughter Stephanie and the Lovely Lola Rainbow, her senior, adopted Chihuahua.

Free chapter, discount one on one 45 minute telephone coaching  session, in regard to my book
Little Bit of Knowledge offers something for everyone. As you read this charming book, you will find yourself saying “That’s me. That’s my family. How did she know?” Driven by the author’s stories and encouraging suggestions, you will be eager to look at yourself, your life, and make efforts to move forward in a positive, goal oriented direction.

In our twenties and thirties we had all the answers.
In our forties and fifties we searched for the answers.
In our sixties and seventies, we realize we don’t need all the answers.

Joan Pressman lives in Atlanta, GA. A proud mother of two, she retired from Weight Watchers of Greater Atlanta, where she served as Vice President of Training and Class Room Operations. She is certified in NLP™ and actively volunteers with Sandy Springs Police and Breman Jewish Heritage and Holocaust Museum. Joan is available for workshops and consultations.
Joan Pressman
Chapter of A Little bit of Knowledge Couldn't Hurt

Most of us don't get what we want in our lives because we sabotage ourselves: We procrastinate. We resist. We don't follow through. We don't do the things that we know are in our best interests. The end result is a life of unfulfillment and disappointment. It doesn't have to be that way. When we eliminate the guilt, shame, and self-loathing deeply-embedded in our unconscious mind which generate our self-destructive, self-defeating behaviors, our world changes for the better: We start attracting people and circumstances that cooperate with our goals and propel us towards the manifestation of all our hopes and dreams. The way to eliminate our guilt, shame, and self-loathing is to esteem ourselves and forgive ourselves. The way to esteem ourselves and forgive ourselves is to esteem and forgive others. Forgive To Win!'s Forgiveness Diet is a structured program that teaches us how to do this. It's not complicated. And it works! By consistently practicing a daily regimen of thoughts, actions and exercises devoted to accepting, forgiving and being of service to others, our self-esteem increases, our self-sabotaging behaviors decrease, and we experience greater opportunities and more positive outcomes in all realms of our lives
Dr. Walter Jacobson
Subscribe to my newsletter and get a FREE CHAPTER on
Self-Loathing & Self-Sabotage from my book Forgive to Win!
20-minute phone reading of your birth chart for $50 with Maxine Taylor, Georgia's First Licensed Astrologer.

Maxine Taylor began studying astrology in 1966.  In 1968, she became Georgia's First Licensed Astrologer, and in 1980, she became CNN's on-air astrologer when they launched their network.  She is an energy healer, an author, an ordained minister, and the host of her own radio show on the Co-Creator Network.

Maxine Taylor
20-minute Astrological phone reading of your birth chart worth $50
Cari Murphy
  Your Bonus Gift Package (valued at $149) from Cari includes: 14 Days to Create Lasting Change in Your Life Ebook  & Heavenly Inspiration to Nourish and Empower Your Soul Ebook

Marna Goldstein Thall took her body from a size 14 to a size 8 by learning how to think, eat and live like the naturally thin. Marna has prepared a power packed audio to give you actual strategies you can begin using to rid emotional eating for once and for all.

End emotional eating and attract the body you desire now. Learn in one hour, more than you have in the past 2 years about how to end emotional eating.

Marna Thall
End Emotional Eating
In his award-winning book, Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living, Jeff Klein shares stories, insights and exercises for cultivating skills to bring your full humanity to work and to build a successful conscious business. This gift includes two chapters from the book, including the foundational chapter on Awareness.

As CEO of Working for Good, Jeff Klein activates, produces and facilitates mission-based, Stakeholder Engagement Marketing™ campaigns and Conscious Culture development programs.Jeff is a founding trustee of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. and authored the award-winning book, Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living, to support entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, leaders and change agents at work.Jeff enjoys surfing, Brazilian Ju Jitsu, ChiRunning and moving in general. He is an active father of a 13-year-old daughter, and resides in San Rafael, Calif. For more information visit

Jeff Klein
Two Chapters from: Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living
40 Quick and Ease-y Transformation Tips for Women. This ebook provides practical and inspirational guidance from 40 women who have lived lots of life, struggled at times and who are now thriving and enjoying each day and all that comes with it. Their tips will help you do the same.

Our Network is founded upon the belief that Women are powerful creators, passionate and compassionate leaders, and the heart and backbone of our world's businesses, homes and communities. Our Mission is to empower women to find their inner wisdom, follow their passion and live rich authentic lives. Join us for business, personal and spiritual growth.

Sue Urda
40 Transformation Tips for Women
Are you a Law of Attraction "junkie," yet the only thing you seem to "attract" is "failure?" A Guide that will help ANYBODY who may have tried using the Law of Attraction in their lives but found that the only thing they seem to "attract" is "failure!" Along with this special life-changing report, anybody buying this book today will also qualify for 20% off the regular retail price of my Award Nominated (Finalist, NIEA Book Awards) book, God=mc2? Getting Spirituality Down to a Science! OR

Prasann Thakrar
Learn the Nine Simple Steps to attracting REAL success with the Law of Attraction!

Dr.Eric Kaplan\
Free Article:  Controlled Emotion, Focused Energy and the Powr of Persistance Lead to Success
Deborah Antinori
Pet Loss poem from the award-winning audiobook, Journey Through Pet Loss, and Tips for Coping with Pet Loss
Double award-winning audiobook, Journey Through Pet Loss by Deborah Antinori features her original poetry that has been requested at pet loss memorial events and featured at national conferences.  "Everything Important to Know in Life, I Learned From My Dog" is the gift poem - never before released in print.  Also, a listing of helpful Tips for Coping with Pet Loss will be included in the gift - a must for those anticipating or experiencing a loss.

Deborah Antinori has been a psychotherapist in private practice for twenty years  - The Davison Counseling Center in Basking Ridge, NJ.  She added the Pet Loss and Lifespan Transitions specialty to her practice in 1997.  She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Brainspotting Therapist who is also a National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Fellow: Certified in Pesso/Boyden System Psychomotor Therapist and in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing); Registered Drama Therapist; and Fellow in Thanatology (by the Association for Death Education and Counseling).  Deborah’s critically acclaimed audiobook, Journey Through Pet Loss, which she wrote, produced and narrated, won an Audie Award from the Audio Publishers Association and a Book of the Year Award from ForeWord Magazine.
When I discuss success strategies with my patients, many of my favorite analogies are
drawn from the game of golf. This sport is one of the best metaphors I know of for
successful living because it contains all of the elements required for setting, tending and
reaching one's goals.

I've learned that the excitement of the game comes not from getting the ball in the hole,
but from the challenge of reducing the number of strokes it takes to achieve that triumph
(ingrained goal setting). Life without goals is like a golf green without a flag, or a hole
without a par.

Allow this meditation to take you on a journey, releasing what no longer serves you. Witness the opening of the crystalline portal at the bottom of the Ocean. A Powerful HPT session follows the meditation, clearing core issues to what is holding you back in life! Value $49.95.  DaKara Kies is a gifted intuitive healer that specializes in clearing core issues and blocks that hold you back from stepping into your true power, passion and purpose.  Working with the inner child to bless, heal and nurture that most sacred part of ourselves.

Dakara Kies
10:10:10 The POWER of Now ~ New Beginnings - Meditation and Heart Point Technique Healing
Linda Barnett-Johnson is a virtual assistant to authors, pro:viding many marketing program.  She creates beautiful book trailer to help you market your books. She is offering a 20% discount on any book trailer she creates. This offer is a $30-50 value and is good through February 2012.  Please use this code when contacting her.   LBJ-trailer 2/2012

Cheri & Peter Lucking
3 Gifts from Bilbo, The Little Teddy Bear
Cheri & Peter John Lucking - Bilbo's Adventures Series Santa & The Little Teddy Bear & Bilbo's Adventures:  A Christmas Wish - Three Bonus Gifts for You!

Soar with Santa & The Little Teddy Bear as they travel the world discovering the meaning of Christmas!

Enjoy 3 bonus gifts from the Lucking's - Excerpt from the 2011 INDIE EXCELLENCE Holiday Book Winner and Book Cover Design-Children-Finalist, entitled:  SANTA & THE LITTLE TEDDY BEAR, sneak peek of our new release BILBO'S ADVENTURES: A CHRISTMAS WISH, plus a 24 page coloring book.

Dina Proctor is a motivational coach, inspirational speaker, and author of the upcoming book "Madly Chasing Peace: From Hell to Happy in 9 Minutes a Day." Dina's personal journey through depression and addiction to freedom and true happiness inspires others to discover their true power. Her 9 minute per day meditation technique is powerful and simple, practical and easy for anyone who is thirsty for real change in their lives to practice.

Peggy McColl interviews Dina about her personal journey, her book, and her 9 minute per day meditation technique (3 minutes, 3 times per day). This technique can be used for weight loss, interacting with difficult people, self-healing, or anything you want for your life. Dina leads listeners through a 3 minute guided healthy body meditation during the interview.

Dina Proctor
Peggy McColl interviews Dina Proctor, author of the upcoming book
"Madly Chasing Peace" and creator of the 3x3 meditation method.
Linda Barnett-Johnson
20% Discount on Book Trailer Video
A Big Thank  You to Denise Cassino
for Coordinating this Launch
Dr. Joe Rubino
Acclaimed TV Video, Self-Esteem Mini-Course and Success Club Membership ($129 Value) from Dr. Joe Rubino, One of the World’s Foremost Experts on Self-Esteem Elevation
In this hard hitting, insightful hour long television interview, Dr. Joe Rubino, one of the world's leading life optimization coaches and experts on self-esteem elevation answers questions that encompass the origins of low self-esteem, the emotional addictions that ruin people's lives, the keys to healing one's painful past, the best ways out of the downward spiral of damaging self-talk and destructive interpretations, the secrets to creating an empowering life plan, the antidote to resignation and self-sabotage, the access to designing an optimum life of no regrets that is marked by passion, purpose, fulfillment, abundance, rich relationships, and happiness and much, much more. Called by many, the most informative and interesting interview they have ever seen, this enlightening dialog will challenge you to step into a whole new way of being that reflects your inherent magnificence.